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A look at homelessness...
Take a look at some data that will help explain our rural county and why the need for homeless services is so urgent here.
I just took a class with Community Foundation of Sarasota to learn about using data, and since I know cyclists like talking about data such as gear charts and Strava stats, I thought I’d put some info on here while how to do it is fresh in my mind.
DeSoto County is very rural compared to Charlotte, Manatee and Sarasota counties. Our county is poised for growth, but we hope much of our land area remains in agriculture!
Take a look at some of these graphs, and draw your own conclusions.
​Population Over Time

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Programs

School Readiness at Kindergarten Entry

Third Grade Reading Assessment
(Percentage Level 3 and Above)

Eighth Grade Mathematics Assessment
(Percentage Level 3 and Above)

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